
Sagittarius ( November 23 - December 20 )2015 brings a need to break out of narrow concepts and legalistic philosophical or religious ideas. This is apt to be a time of analyzing religious, philosophical, or ideological beliefs, becoming more aware of their logical shortcomings. Legal, political, or educational experiences require serious thought and planning. This is a time to pursue a more lasting set of values, be it religious or philosophical. Everything external and business-oriented should prosper, provided that honesty and truth are your guides. Relationships & marriage matters are likely to be difficult in the first half of the year till May. January will see a slide in all the marriage matters and this could be due to your level of expectation or the difficult attitude of your spouse. This period will take away your own rational behavior to make things normal. Try to avoid confrontation and further bias in relationships. It would be good to have a serious talk with a friend or loved one who knows you well enough to suggest new goals that will fill you with fresh enthusiasm. Time spent with friends should be fun as well as informative. A better year overall in career, although a slide will come about in work matters with rise in hurdles after January. Drawing on your own special talents to make extra money can be a tricky business but also very satisfying. Luck will see a sudden and major revival after May. There is a raise in salary coming your way. A few among of you will be honoured by social organization or by the government. There could be a chances of build up of an alternate source of income also. Business matters will see tremendous income but a slide in status in March. Excellent time to turn over a new leaf where your health is concerned. Take a critical look at your daily activities and you are bound to spot ways in which your overall fitness can be promoted. Persons who are suffering from digestive/gastric problems are likely to find a remedy for their problem. Love matters will improve after March when a period of unsettled thinking since October last year will ease out. True affection between you and your mate or partner forms a firm foundation which little quarrels and upsets cannot disturb. If this person first appears late April to early May, you could be headed for a wedding down the road. |