
Pisces ( February 19 - March 20 )The year 2015, will find you more involved with home, family and psychological issues. This year will be one of testing and correcting and also for developing strength and power. Change only seems scary when you contemplate it in your mind. When it actually happens it is not so bad. Avoid depression, have fun, get into a hobby and be creative, make time to enjoy life. No matter how ambitious you are, life is not all about work. In 2015 a problem regarding a debt to be paid to a friend will be solved. With friends and relatives you need to play a role of supporter and not that of a critic, to be appreciated by them. Try to create time to be with your family. Married Pisceans may find their spouse unsure of mutual feelings. Parents with young children will be worried for them. Do not let too many people in on what you are planning. Meanwhile unexpected good news from distant relatives from abroad would bring happy moments for the entire family. The last year have been stressful on your health. There is a danger that you will take things for granted and ignore health issues. Wear the colours, gems and scents of your sign, as these will be natural health tonics for you. The health of your partner or spouse is reasonable, though he or she needs to rest and relax more after June. Finance and Career are always important to you. Many of the people you meet and at the functions you attend are involved with your business. You need to be thinking about your long-term financial good. Invest some of your earnings-a percentage-for the long haul. Career horizons are widening rapidly. Many of you are at the pinnacle of success and achievement now. Love and Romance are powerful this year for Pisces. Many of you will marry this year. Many of you gets involved with older, more established people. Ongoing relationships will continue. Before March, the intimate relationships may feel somewhat strained. By the end of March, however, all moves quickly forward. Watch for powerful romantic beginnings and revitalized passion in late March and throughout much of April. |