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February 20, 2009

Grape Squash

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Last Updated: 20-2-2009
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Ingredients :

Grapes - 1kg
Sugar - 1kg
Fresh lime juice - 1tsp
  Popular Tags:
   Grape,   Squash,   Drinks,   smoothies,  

Preparation :

Boil the grapes in 1litre water for around 10 mins.

Boil the grapes

Now take out all the grapes from the water into a mixer grinder.

grapesinto a mixer grinder

After it cools, grind the cooked grapes well and add it to the boiled water using a strainer and mix it. Now you will get a semi thick grape pulp.

grape pulp

Add sugar and lime juice to it and boil again for 5 more mins.

sugar and lime juice

When cool, transfer the squash into a dry bottle or container and refrigerate. To serve, take ¼th glass of squash and mix required water with it. Add sugar if needed.

Grape Squash

NOTE: You can make more than 15 glasses with one bottle of squash.

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   Zubair Ahmad, jhang,pakistanReplyPosted On:1/10/2011
Good method,I m the student of food sci. & tech. I study the course about processing of fruits & veg.
   S.Padmini., india.ReplyPosted On:22/2/2011
very very useful
   mohamed, coimbatoreReplyPosted On:15/12/2010
it is very nice....
   Gayathri, MaduraiReplyPosted On:3/10/2010
sir/madam. please tell whether to add the grape juice to hot sugar syrup or to cold sugar syrup
   smitha, tvmReplyPosted On:21/1/2010
   D.Esekia Raja Selvan, Thiruvallur, Near chennai.ReplyPosted On:8/12/2009
Where & How to get Mfg. Licence to Manufacture Grape squash?