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December 3, 2010

Lemon Syrup

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 Recipe by : ,Kollam , India
Last Updated: 3-12-2010
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Ingredients :
Lemon : 15 no's
Sugar : 1/2 kg
Ginger : small piece
  Popular Tags:
   Lime,   Ginger,  

Method of Preparation :

Squeeze the lemon and take juice. Take the juice of ginger too, filter both juice. melt sugar in a pan, keep it aside till it become cool. Then add lemon and ginger juice to this melted sugar, now syrup is ready. Pour it to bottle and store in refrigerator. You can use it to make lime juice. For that add 2or 3 spoon of this syrup to a glass of water and steer well

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   murugan, puducherryReplyPosted On:20/12/2010
thise is very super of juice.... my favrouite....