Atul Dodiya, Born in 1959, in Mumbai, is a well known painter. Atul began exhibiting and selling his work in the early 1980s following his graduation from Sir J. J. School of Art in Mumbai where he received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. He furthered his academic training at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris from 1991 to 1992 subsequent to a scholarship awarded by the French Government. He has been honored with several awards such as Raza Award, Civitella Ranieri Foundation Fellowship, Italy, Sotheby's Prize, Sanskriti Award, Government of Maharashtra Gold Medal.
Dodiya's works are subtly shaded to provide a reflective medium to middle class homes, family life and his own biography. Thin layers of defllypainted strokes reflect suggestive situations. In his most recent series of paintings Dodiya appropriates the images and styles of famous artworks thus he tries to provide homage to influences but also ‘borrows’ their identities through a kind of painting role-play.
Atul is married to fellow painter Anju Dodiya and lives and works in Mumbai.