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Blood Sugar Test

Normal level of sugar in blood before your meal is between 70 and 110 mg/dl. After food, level will rise in between 100 to 140. The increased level of blood sugar above 140 mg/dl is considered to be the symptoms of diabetics. Low level of sugar, below 70 is also dangerous. It may cause fainting.

The two main tests used to measure diabetes are (a) Fasting Plasma Glucose Test, the direct measurement of glucose levels in the blood after an 8 hour (overnight) fast, and (b) Oral Glucose Tolerance Test, measurement of the body's ability to appropriately handle the excess sugar presented after drinking a high glucose drink

Fasting Plasma Glucose test is positive when the value of elevated blood sugar level is above 140 mg/dl after an overnight fast. If the value is above 140 mg/dl on at least two occasions, it means that a person has diabetes. Normal people have fasting sugar levels that generally run between 70-110 mg/dl.

An oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) measures plasma glucose at timed intervals over a 3-hour period. The person being tested starts the test in a fasting state (having no food or drink except water for at least 10 hours but not greater than 16 hours). An initial blood sugar is drawn and then the person is given a drink with high amount of sugar in it (75 grams of glucose or 100 grams for pregnant women). The person then has their blood tested again 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours and 3 hour intervals after drinking the high glucose drink. If the plasma glucose level is 200 mg/dl or more in the blood sample taken 2 hours after drinking high glucose shows that the test is positive.

Gestational diabetes is also diagnosed through OGTT. Glucose levels are normally lower during pregnancy, so the basic values for diagnosis of diabetes in pregnancy are lower. If a woman has two plasma glucose values meeting or exceeding any of the following numbers, she has gestational diabetes: a fasting plasma glucose level of 95 mg/dL, a 1-hour level of 180 mg/dL, a 2-hour level of 155 mg/dL, or a 3-hour level of 140 mg/dL.

Age for testing: Every person who have attained the age 25 and older should undergo this test. Even if the results are normal, the test should be repeated at three year intervals. Chances for diabetes are high in the case of those who are obese, have a family history of diabetes, have delivered a baby weighing more than nine pounds or have high blood pressure or cholesterol. These people can have their blood sugar checked at an earlier age.

Care for testing :The blood sugar tests are usually done before and after the break fast. Do not do any heavy exercises before the testing. Try to keep a perfect mental and physical health (not have any other illnesses, not even a cold) during the time of testing. You have to limit your meal the day before the testing. Do not take insulin tablets or medicines (most commonly steroids and certain diuretics) that could affect your blood glucose level. The morning of the test, you should not smoke or drink coffee. During the test, you need to lie or sit quietly.

Viewer's Comment
 Prachi , Mp    27/1/2015
Thanks for giving information in Very eassy way.
 Usha Subramanian, Goa    3/2/2014
Very nicly worte - in easy way...
 Aju Abraham, Chennai    19/4/2012
Thank for your information..

Questions of
 Questions & Answers
 1.  Posted on : 9.1.2014  By  :  Soumyya Das , Kolkata View Answer (1) Post Answer

Cholecystectomy was done 2 years ago but looking bulky and over weight approx 87 kg triglycerides also increased what should I do?


Please refer to the following chart for ideal height and weight Calorie Needs , Weight Chart , Calorie content in food, Calore to lose weight

  Posted By :Admin , | On 26.5.2014
 2.  Posted on : 27.6.2013  By  :  akshay arora , Bareilly (u.p.) View Answer (1) Post Answer

My age is just 22 yrs. And i am having pain in my knee joints doctors said i am sufferin from arthiris/ortheoritis what can i do is their any treatment or not because they have told me that their is no treatment


Arthritis can be caused by many reasons which includes weight problems. Please consult a bbone specialist for further advise. You can too young to have chronic arthritis all your life. Good luck

  Posted By :Admin , | On 26.5.2014
 3.  Posted on : 11.9.2012  By  :  Saswajeet Routray , Kolkata View Answer (1) Post Answer

I am 32 years old and my wife is 30 now. Myself and my wife, both are suffering from joint pain from 5-6 months. A cracking sound also coming from the knees. Please let me know what to do.


Joint pain can be caused by many reasons.Over weight Oesteo porosis or born loss, arthritis, some febril illnesses are some of the causes. You are very young to ignore your joint pains. You should see an internist. He can examine you, order some blood test and give you a diagnosis. Good luck

  Posted By :Admin , Kochi | On 4.6.2013
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