Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Andhra Pradesh

Fairs and Festivals

Temple Festivals & Fairs

▪ Kotappakonda Temple Fair ▪ Durgamma Festiva
▪ Jaladurga Kalyanotsavam ▪ Maridamma Festival & Fair
▪ Yellaramma Jatara ▪ Marriage of Bhadrakali & Virabhadra
▪ Sambhulingeswara Kalyanotsavam ▪ Other Temple Festivals

Durgamma Festival

This festival is celebrated for four days in the month of Bhadrapada. On the first day, the water for worship is brought from a near by river Majira.  On the second day, a buffalo intended for sacrifice is taken to the river.  After worshipping the water-goddess, the buffalo is washed there.  It is then  decorated and brought to the temple in a procession to the accompaniment of music. 

The  next day the buffalo is sacrificed and after that devotees sacrifice innumerable jowls, goats, rams and buffaloes.  In the evening, the ground in-front of the temple is cleaned and a heap of cooked rice and mutton is kept as offering to the deity.  An unbaked earthen pot is buried up to its neck and a  winnow is placed over it. A woman sits on the winnow and apparently possessed predicts future events.  A man representing poturaju, the brother of Durgamma, is smeared with turmeric and vermilion and decorated round his head, neck and waist with margosa leaves.  He goes round the temple and kills a sacrificial lamb by biting its throat.  On the last day, devotees go round the temple with bomalu (puppets). Carts and bullocks decorated with flowers and coloured sarees are taken round the temple. Prasadam is distributed. A fair is held here during the festival.