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September 2, 2021

Suji Laddu

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Last Updated: 2-9-2021
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Ingredients :
Suji (Rava) : 4 cups
Water : 1 ½ cup
Cardamom powder : 1 tbsp
Ghee : 3 to 4 tbsp
Sugar : 1 cup
Salt : 1/2 tbsp
A few Raisins and Cashew nuts
  Popular Tags:
   Rava,   Suji,   Semolina,   Laddu,  

Method :

In a pre-heated wok add some ghee, when it gets heated add raisins and fry until they puff up. Now add cashew nuts… when the cashew nuts turn brown in shade, add enough water to the wok and a little amount of salt to it. When it starts boiling add cardamom powder, sugar and stir well. Put suji into the wok and mix well with a ladle until a good aroma comes out of it. Cook for about 5 minutes and transfer into a bowl. Start making round shape balls with your bare hands when the suji is still warm. Arrange the balls or laddus in a plate and enjoy your snack!!!

You could adjust sugar according to your taste. Kids will love this snack.

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