Saturday, July 27, 2024

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One of the most docile of all cat breeds. Ragdolls are named for their unusual habit of lying limp in your arms. These cats are very loving and make  excellent pets.


Origin : United States of America
Colours : Seal (dark brown) and blue, followed by chocolate and lilac (pinkish gray). The mitted pattern (white chin, mittens and boots) is desirable, but less common.
Temperament : Very calm, Sociable and tend to bond with their owner. Intelligent. Very well-mannered and are excellent with children.

Features :

Large, thick-boned, heavy cats. Very broad shoulders, chest and paws. Long, thick coat, especially around the neck area. Large, oval eyes are always a deep blue color. Ears are set to the side. Fur on the hind legs is longer than the front.

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 Questions & Answers
 1.  Posted on : 5.2.2010  By  :  Ken , Ontario View Answer (0) Post Answer

I have a 16 year old cat. Keeps getting constipated. Very painful bowel movements at times(crying out, howling). He eats both dry and wet(canned) food daily. I have tried adding some cooking oil to his food, but this doesn't seem to help. He won't take the malt stuff from a tube. Any suggestions? Thanks. Ken

 2.  Posted on : 18.10.2009  By  :  JD , virginia beach View Answer (0) Post Answer

i have 6 male cats all of the same litter. only 2 of them purr. they are all lovey dovey...always...they just never purr....what is up with this?

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