Thursday, October 24, 2024

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Dog's ears are prone to infections quite easily because of the accumulation of dirt and debris. Therefore, routine ear care is very essential. In case your pet is suffering from infections, say, ear mites, then treat its ears with mineral oil. Soak a cotton ball in mineral oil and clean your pet's ears with it. You may also put two drops of the oil into the dog's ear, using an eye dropper, and massage the ear gently. Thereafter, clean the ears with a dry cotton ball.
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A change in dog's behavior and untimely laziness, growling, snarling or irritability indicates that your dog needs to be taken to the clinic.
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The best way to give pills to the dog is to make the pet sit down upright, by tilting its head back. Lift the lips away from its teeth; hold its upper jaw by the gums behind the canine teeth. Now, push down on the lower jaw with the other hand and place the pill in the very back of its throat. Close its mouth and stroke its throat softly, until the pill is swallowed.
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Prepare for the visit beforehand. Jot down all the queries about your dog and seek information about potential problems, from your veterinarian.
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In case you are feeding your pet with shop-bought dog food, ensure that you have chosen a well known brand. Good quality is the prerequisite for the good health of the pet. Ensure that you have chosen the food according to the age, weight, breed and special needs of the dog.
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The daily intake of balanced food, rich in all the essential nutrients, nearly eliminates the need of supplements. However, it is still recommended to provide your dog with supplements, because it only adds to the health of the pet.
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Dogs are deprived of biotin, when they consume raw eggs. In addition, the consistent use of raw eggs in the dog's diet may lead to dermatitis, loss of hair and poor growth in your pet.
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If your dog is habitual of being rewarded with treats frequently, then you should be careful not to overdo it. Keep a check on the treats, because excess of them can perturb the static calorie balance. You should also remember that chocolates are harmful for dogs.
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Being omnivorous, dogs love to feast on meat. However, you should remember that the pets, fed on raw meats, are susceptible to a number of diseases and infections. For example, raw liver can cause vitamin A toxicity in dogs, even if it is accompanied by a balanced diet. Moreover, small soft bones may choke the pet.
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Feed your dog with food at regular interval. You may serve measured meal, twice a day. Feed your pet on scheduled timings.