Thursday, October 24, 2024

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Get your new puppy or dog checked out with a veterinarian and establish a schedule for his immunizations. Puppies need to be inoculated at the age of one and a half months with a six-in-one vaccine that protects against distemper, parvo,  canine, parainfluenza and so on. At two and a half months, they are due for a booster dose. The rabies and Corona vaccines are separate and given at three months. All vaccines need an annual booster.

A pedigreed dog will need regular veterinary intervention. Symptoms of sickness to look out for are excessive thirst, loss of appetite, frequent diarrhea, bleeding from the mouth, nose or anus, strain to pass urine, weight loss,  shivering, confusion, lameness or difficulty in moving. Make a note of the symptoms and furnish all the details to the vet so that he can make an accurate diagnosis. Some of the common pet diseases are

Ticks and fleas

Ticks are best controlled by manual removal and keeping the surroundings clean and uncluttered. They are usually seen on the head and neck, on and in the ears and between the toes. Wear rubber gloves while removing ticks to avoid contact with blood. Use a chemical dip or a solution of Butox or Asuntol both on the dogs and its environment to kill fleas and ticks. Flea collars are ineffective and contain dangerous chemicals. 

Ticks and fleas transmit worms and cause skin irritations and allergies. Severe infestation of flees can cause anemia as fleas feed on blood. Dogs pick up tapeworms from fleas. Round worm infested puppies may be very thin, have a pot belly, Diarrhea and a cough. Medication should be given for the particular type of worm infested. Canine Distemper Symptoms of canine distemper include coughing (a puppy can die of pneumonia in the first or second week of distemper), diarrhea, listlessness and fever. Prognosis depends upon severity and early diagnosis and treatment.  This disease is highly preventable with vaccine usually taken at one and a half months of age. 


This is a highly contagious viral disease that is dangerous primarily to puppies. Bloody diarrhea is the most important and easily recognised symptom; others include loss of appetite, vomiting, fever and listlessness. Parvovirus can kill an adult dog in two to four days; 8 to 12 wee old puppies can die in a few hours, so early diagnosis is important. A preventive vaccine is 80 to 90 percent effective. 

Canine Para influenza

This airborne viral disease more commonly known as 'Kennel cough' is highly contagious, but much less severe than distemper. It is the most common respiratory illness in dogs. The incubation period is 5 to 10 days. Common symptoms include discharge from the nose and a persistent dry cough, which usually disappears by itself within 2 weeks. This disease only becomes serious if left untreated and a secondary bacterial infection sets in leading to pneumonia. This disease is not transmissible to humans, and can be killed with bleach. The best prevention is a standard Vaccination along with parainfluenza vaccine which is often combined with canine and parvovirus vaccines.


Rabies is spread by the bite or through the saliva of an infected animal. Symptoms are sensitivity to light, foaming at the mouth, personality changes, loss of appetite and aversion to water.  Prevention is only by a highly effective vaccine which may be given as early as three months for puppies. Once infested rabies is fatal and the extreme danger is transmission to humans.

Canine Coronavirus

This virus is also highly contagious, and spread through the feces. Its incubation period is only 1 to 1.5 days. Symptoms are similar to parvo, but it is a milder disease. It is not transmissible to humans, and can be killed with bleach. 

Canine Hepatitis

This uncommonly seen disease is spread through urine, feces, and saliva. The virus can survive in the environment for weeks and even months. The incubation period is 4 to 9 days. Common symptoms are fever with depression, loss of appetite, discharge from the eyes and nose, abdominal pain and vomiting. This is highly fatal to puppies. This disease is not transmissible to humans and can be killed with bleach. 


This disease is not a virus, rather it is a spirochete, a highly specialized form of bacteria. It is spread through the urine onto the skin. After an incubation period of 5 to 15 days, the most common symptoms are weakness, fever, vomiting, loss of appetite and jaundice. This disease rarely causes death, but can persist as a chronic disease. It is usually spread by urine contaminated water, and is a zoonotic disease. This disease is transmissible to humans.

Heart worm

Transmitted by mosquitoes, Heart worm is a foot long worm that floats in blood in one of the hearts chambers. Symptoms include coughing, shortness of breath, listlessness and poor appetite. It can cause heart failure or lung failure over months or years. Prevention is available in a daily or monthly pill.

Questions of
 Questions & Answers
 1.  Posted on : 16.1.2018  By  :  Srinivas Chintalapati , Nagole, Hyderabad View Answer (0) Post Answer

My German Shepherd needs emergency care at my home, as i am not having any clue about emergency medical care. It is suffering with some infection

 2.  Posted on : 7.4.2014  By  :  Jatin Kumar , Dehli View Answer (0) Post Answer

If swlling and pain in puppy lungs so what to do for him.

 3.  Posted on : 26.3.2014  By  :  K. Chalapathi Rao , Hyderabad View Answer (0) Post Answer

Respected Sir/Madam, I would like to know whether an old dog can be accomadated at any good place. We are desparate and can no longer able to maintain it. Kindly help us find a place for its survival. Thanking you and awaiting your early reply, K.Chalapathirao.

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