Thursday, October 24, 2024

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Known as the Sacred Cat of Burma, Strikingly handsome with its colour point pattern and its pure white toes.  Birman is still a relatively uncommon breed.  Sign up to receive monthly e-mail reminders for your flea and heartworm medication. The sweet, devoted personality makes the Birman a terrific companion.


Origin : Burma
Colours : Seal point, blue point, chocolate point and lilac point.
Temperament : Intelligent and lively, they have a quiet charm and mix well with children and other animals.

Features :

The Burman is large cat with long, silky hair which tend to wave on the stomach and does not mat or tangle. There is a thick, heavy ruff at the neck. The body should be medium long but stocky, the legs sturdy and medium in length and the paws round, firm and very large with the toes close together. The tail should be medium in length and bushy, and is often displayed as a plume. Their china blue eyes are particularly striking. The broad, rounded head has a flat area in front of the ears, which are wide, rounded at the tips and spaced well apart. The nose is Roman and the cheeks are full. The body colour should be even, with the point colour confined to the face, ears, legs, a and tail. The white markings on the feet should be symmetrical. 

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 Questions & Answers
 1.  Posted on : 5.2.2010  By  :  Ken , Ontario View Answer (0) Post Answer

I have a 16 year old cat. Keeps getting constipated. Very painful bowel movements at times(crying out, howling). He eats both dry and wet(canned) food daily. I have tried adding some cooking oil to his food, but this doesn't seem to help. He won't take the malt stuff from a tube. Any suggestions? Thanks. Ken

 2.  Posted on : 18.10.2009  By  :  JD , virginia beach View Answer (0) Post Answer

i have 6 male cats all of the same litter. only 2 of them purr. they are all lovey dovey...always...they just never purr....what is up with this?

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