Thursday, October 24, 2024
Area    : 307,690 Sq.Km
Capital : Mumbai
Districts         : 31
Language : Marathi
Population : 112,374,333 (2011 census)
Literacy : 82.34% (2011 census)
State Bird : Green Imperial Pigeon
State Animal : Giant Squirrel
State Flower : Jarul
State Tree : Mango
Maharashtra map

Maharashtra is the third largest state in India both in area and population. The state is bounded by the Arabian Sea in the west, Gujarat in the north west, Madhya Pradesh in the north and the east, Andhra Pradesh in the south east and Karnataka and Goa in the south. Maharashtra consists of two major relief divisions. The plateau which is a part of the Deccan tableland and the Konkan coastal strip abutting on the Arabian Sea. The state of Maharashtra forms a huge irregular triangle with its base on the west coast of India, overlooking the Arabian Sea. The coastal strip, about 720 km, long and not more than 80 km wide, is the Konkan dotted with paddy fields and coconut gardens .

Being one of the main tourist destinations of India, the state offers a lot to tourists such as numerous mountains, scores of temples, forts, caves, beaches and other architectural wonders..
How to Reach There
Tourist Information Centres
About Maharashtra

The climate of Maharashtra is typically monsoonal in character, with 'hot' rainy and cold weather seasons. The months of March-April and May are maximum heat.

Maharashtra History Classifieds
Economy Jobs
Land Real Estate
District Map City Guide
Government Directory Yellowpages
Colourful Maharashtra

Maharashtra is the centre of many religious and cultural traditions. In Maharashtrian villages, life revolves around fairs and festivals.Read More

Festival Calendar
Time to Enjoy....

Maharashtra has a lively tradition of song, dance, music and theatre. Read More