Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Wall Hangings

Wall Hangings
Contributed by- Kala Ravi , Mumbai , India
Total views : 50822    17 . 11 . 2008
Here is a simple wall hanging design you can make using a winnowing fan.

Materials :



Winnowing Fan



Fabric paint / Oil paint



Clock machine




Take a winnowing fan (Soop (in Marathi), Muram (in Malayalam)). Paint it with either fabric paint or oil paint on both sides. Draw a design on it and just outline the design .U can hang on the edge either shell as I have done or u could get a clock machine fixed by a watch shop and hang item the wall.


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Sonam Jadon, Gurgaon
August 9, 2012
I want to know mor about craft making... its really very nice, I love to do this work so pliz give me more knowladge about crafts making at home .