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Pom Poms

Pom Poms
Total views : 8991    15 . 7 . 2014

Learn how to make simple, fluffy woolen pompoms/pompon to add colour and decor to craft projects.

For making this we need,
» Wool - Different colours
» Scissors
» Fork

Things needed for making pom poms

Take wool and a fork. Wrap the wool around the outer two prongs of the fork until it forms a thick lump. Cut off the wool string 

Wrap the wool around the fork

Using a small piece of wool or a thread bunch the wool in the middle, in between the prongs, and tie it together tightly. Make sure that the knot is in the central part of the pom pom.

Tie wool together in the centre

Take the wool off the fork carefully without disturbing the folds. Cut the folded ends of the wool, see it spreading out to a pom pom. 

Pom poms in different colours

Cut the folded ends of the wool, see it spreading out to a pom pom. Trim wool threads evenly, cutting off the extra long threads, to make the pom pom round and even.

You can make pom poms in different colours. You could tie the pom poms to rubber bands and use them as hair bands.


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