Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Newspaper Nail Art

Newspaper Nail Art
Total views : 7918    18 . 3 . 2014

Nails are always undergoing fashion experiments. Newspaper nail art is trendy, which is applicable for any age group…

Newspaper Nail Art
Things needed for this are,
» News paper
» Water
» Top coat
» White nail polish colour

Cut the newspaper into small pieces and put it water for a few minutes

Cut the newspaper into small pieces and put it water for a few minutes.

apply a single coat of white nail polish

Meanwhile apply a single coat of white nail polish. Let it dry well.

paper bits and cover it on the nail

Once it dries, take one of the paper bits and cover it on the nail, press and hold it for some time. Remove the paper and you will see those letters are on your nail. Apply this method to all the nails.

apply a top coat

Finally apply a top coat on top of it. We are done.

Newspaper Nail Art

Don't forget to try it out and amaze your friends.


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