Saturday, July 27, 2024

Hanging Pocket

Contributed by- K.Mahima(10yearchild) , Chennai , India
Total views : 37841    4 . 7 . 2010

Materials :
» 2 Plastic or fibre plates
» A bottle of gum
» Coloring materials
» Craft Stickers


Cut one platic plate into two half. Using gum on the outer corners of one of the cut side, paste the same on the another full platic or fibre plate to look like a pocket on the plate.

Color the half cut plate stuck as per your cretive ideas to look classy. Also stick the creative stickers on the inner side of the full plate. using a string, tie the full plate on top side and hang it by a nail on the wall.

Hey the hagning bag is ready to use it for light materials.


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akanksha, bharatpur
July 11, 2010
it will be better if u post a picture of ur creation too......