
The bride after marriage usually continues to live with her parents till the birth of her first child. It is expected that boy in the mean time, would be able to construct a house of his own. In the Adi society descent is traced through the father and the property devolves on the male line and the children belong to the fathers clan. If a child born in an extra martial relation is a boy, he belongs to the father's clan and if it is a girl, she belongs to mother's clan. The elder son generally set up their separate house-holds even while the father is alive though on principle. They have equal shares on the parents property. They do not dispute with the youngest brother who stays with the parents and inherits the ancestral house by common consent. The widowed mother is considered a special responsibility of the eldest son, but in practice, she prefers to live with the youngest under the roof of her deceased husband's home.
Kebang - All important decisions of political and social matters as well as the disputes among the members of the community are tried and settled by the Kebang. The various kebangs are Bane Kebang, Bango Kebang, Bogum Bokang Kebang and Atek Kebang. In Bane Kebang all the male members of the village can take part and express their opinion freely. Bango kebang consists of the head Gams of the number of villages and it has one secretary and also some funds to manage. It mainly deals with inter village disputes and development problems. Atek Kebang is for the settlement of particular cases of disputes. The Bogum Bokang Kebang is a federal organisation-its jurisdiction extends to the whole district of Siang. The social customs and relations of inter village, inter-bango disputes, political and economic changes affecting their life etc are discussed in this Kebang. The Bogum Bokong adopt resolutions and recommends measures to the government for meeting them. The main festivals celebrated by the Adis are Mopin and Solung |