
Death Rituals The burying of the dead appears to have been a common custom amongst all the non-Aryan people of Assam. Hindu influences have induced some of them to take to burning. Death considered unnatural is not given the usual treatment, the Adis will not offer food at the grave of pregnant woman or a man killed in an accident; the Deuris will not burn a man who has died of an epidemic but first bury him and then exhume the skeleton. The Khasis and the Rabhas follow both the custom of burying and burning. The Ao Nagas erect a high machan and place the dead body on it and expose it to be eaten by crows and vultures or to rot away; formerly they used to burn a fire below to render the body dry and help it wither away.
Most of the tribes believe in world or life after death where the spirit of the dead goes. Some of them also believe in the rebirth of the spirit in another form. If a Lalung baby cries too much, they suppose that some dead member of the family must have been reborn. When a Mikir baby is named after its grandfather, it is supposed that the dead old man is reborn as his grandson. The most wonderful speculation about rebirth is that of the Daflas and the Bodos. To the Daflas the colourful butterflies are the spirits of the dead. when an unmarried Bodo young man dies, a banana tree is planted near his grave so that his life after death becomes more fruitful than has been the case hitherto. When a Bodo woman dies, a pipal branch is planted near her grave in the hope that in her rebirth she will be blessed with a luxuriant growth of hair. Before burial or cremation, water is poured and red threads placed between the lips of the dead, that will make in rebirth, the lips thin and red, a sign of beauty. |