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Plastic Ball Dog

Plastic Ball Dog
Total views : 10896    3 . 3 . 2014

Here is a fun idea to make a cute doll with plastic balls.

Here we have used yellow balls.


Plastic ball dog
Get ready with the following things
materials to make this plastic ball dog
» Small plastic balls – 7
» Glue
» Satin ribbon
» Doodle eyes – 2
» Black chart paper

Stick two balls

Stick two balls together using the glue. In the same way, stick another two balls.

join these four balls

Now join these four balls using the glue, so that you will get a rectangular shape as shown. This is the base.

two balls

Again stick another set of two balls to each other and stick it on top of the base.

head of our dog

On any of the top two balls, stick another ball. This is the head of our dog.

Paste two eyes

Paste two eyes on the face of the dog.

Cut two ear shapes from black paper

Cut two ear shapes from black paper and paste it on both sides of the face. Cut a small triangle shape from the paper. Stick it on the back side of the dog. Using a scissor, just pull it upwards to get a tail shape.

Make a small bow using satin ribbon

Our dog is ready. Make a small bow using satin ribbon and tie it around the neck of the dog. It is cute, right? Make more dogs with different colours and have fun.


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