Thursday, October 24, 2024
Some Common Indian Bird

Name Distribution
  Great Indian Bustard Throughout India except Bengal, Assam and area south of Karnataka. Now rare and restricted to Rajasthan, Gujarat.
  Chloropsis, Jerdon's Coursor Gangetic plain and Peninsular India
  Chikor Himalayas
  Common Coot Practically throughout India upto 2440 m in outer Himalayas
  Common crane Plains of northern India, south to Duccan and Orissa Winter visitors
  Demoiselle Crane Northern India, Assam and south to Mysore, winter Visitors
  Sarus Crane Northern India, Central India, Assam and Gujarat
  Cuckoo, the Koel  Throughout India
  Andaman Cackoo Dove Andaman and Nicobar
  Indian Ring Dove Throughout the dry parts of India
  Comb Duck Throughout India
  Cotten Teal Throughout India
  Andaman Teal Andamans
  Whistling Teal Throughout India
  White Eyed Poached Throughout India
  Common Green winged Teal All over India
  Gargancy Teal All over India
  Pintail  All over India
  Bengal Florican Bengal and Assam
  Lesser Florican Northern India excluding Assam, Kutch
  The Bar-headed goose Northern India
  Mallard Breeds in Kashmir, winter visitor to Northern India except Kashmir
  Grey Heron Throughout India
  Grey Jungle Fowl Mount Abu to Baroda, Throughout South India
  Red Jungle Fowl Northern India, Assam and South to Godavari River
  Common Kingfisher Throughout India
  Hill Myna Himalayan foot hills
  Indian Parakeet Practically throughout India
  Black Partridge Northern India, East to Manipur and Assam
  Grey Partridge Dry regions throughout India except Assam
  Painted Partridge North Central India, South India except Malabar Coast
  Hill Partridge The Himalayas from Uttar Pradesh to Assam 
  Snow Partridge The Himalayas from  1000ft to 1700ft 
  Common Peafowl Throughout India except North east region
  Blue Rock Pigeon Throughout India
  Common green Pigeon Throughout India
  Nicobar Pigeon Andamans and Nicobar
  Nilgiri Wood Pigeon Nelgiris and other South Indian Hills
  Kalij Pheasant Throughout Himalayas and Assam
  Cheer Pheasant Himalayas from Nepal westward Himalayas
  Koklas Pheasant Himalayas
  Monel Pheasant Himalayas from Kashmir to Bhutan
  Black Breasted or Rain Quail  Throughout India upto 6000ft in the Himalayas
  Common or grey Quail  Practically throughout India
  Jungle Bush Quail Throughout India
  Yellow legged Button Quail Throughout India
  Rotter Throughout India
  Imperial Sand grouse Semi desert region of Punjab, Rajasthan, Kutch and Saurashtra
  Painted Sand grouse Throughout greater part of India
  Common Indian Sand grouse Dry areas throughout India
  Wood Snipe Winter visitor to hill ranges of Peninsular India, North to MP
  Common Pintail Snipe Winter Visitor practically throughout India
  Pintail Snipe Common in Eastern and Southern
  Swan Northern India
  Common weaver Bird Throughout India