Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Puducherry (Pondicherry)

Chief Minister
Name: Thiru. V. Vaithilingam
Department: General Administration,Planning and Finance, Electricity, Agriculture,Hindu Religious Institutions,All other subjects not allocated to any other Ministers, Relief and Rehabilitation
Address: Res Add : 79, Kandappa Mudaliar Street,Puducherry - 605 001 , 27, Kamatham Street,Maducarai,Puducherry - 605 105
Phone: (O) 0413- 2333399, 2335328, 2335522,2232222 ( R ) 2227622, 2699489 Mob : 9443260363 Fax 2333135
Council of Ministers
Name: Thiru.A. Namassivayam
Department: Public Health Division,PWD,Local Administration,Community development,DRDA,Urban Basic Services, Fire Services, Housing, town & Country Planning including Planning Authorities,Animal Husbandry, Economics & Statistics
Address: 4, Mandhakarai ( R ), V. Manaveli,Arumparthapuram Post, Puducherry 605110
Phone: (O) 0413- 2225120,2222839,2232206 ( R ) 2666254 (M) 9443265665 ( Fax ) 2222839
Name: Thiru. M.O.H.F. Shajahan
Department: Public Works,Information technology,Transport,Collegiate Education,Art & Culture, Govt. Automobile Workshop, Wakf Board, Minority
Address: 64, Suffren Street,  Puducherry - 605 001
Phone: (O) 2335014,2220604,2232256 (R) 2223324 (M) 9952407120 ( Fax ) 235014
Council of Ministers - Hon,ble Welfare & Co-op.Minister
Name: Thiru. M.Kandasamy
Department: Social Welfare, Adi - Dravidar Welfare, Women & Child Welfare,Backward Class Welfare,Co-operation,Civil Supplies and Consumer affaris, Labour & Employment
Address: 81,Dr. Ambedkar Salai, Uppalam Road,Mudaliar pet,Puducherry- 605 004
Phone: (O) 0413-2335422, 2232240 (R) 2280075 (M) 9443337521 ( Fax ) 2223834
Council of Ministers - Hon'ble Minister
Name: Malladi krishna Rao
Department: Tourism, Civil Aviation, Revenue,Fisheries,Sports & Youth Affairs
Address: Resi : No.9-147, Yerra Gardens, Agraharam, Yanam. Resi : 3rd floor of PWD Quarters,Eveche street, Behind Old Law college, Puducherry 605 001
Phone: (O) 0413-2335279, 2232251 (R) 2321999 (Yanam) (Mob ) 9442646666 ( Fax ) 2223845
Council of Ministers- Hon'ble Minister
Name: E. Valsaraj
Department: Health & Family Welfare Services,Law,Port,Home,Jail,Industries& Commerce,Science,Technology& Enviroment,Vigilance& Anti Corrpution,Sainik Welfare Department
Address: Resi : Sree Sadan, Mahe-673 310. Resi : Lal Bahadur Sastry Street,Puducherry - 605 001
Phone: (O) 0413-2337733, 2223466 (O -Mahe) - 2337111 ( Resi - Pond)- 2330080 ( Resi - Mahe ) - 2332777 Mobile: 94432-47001 Fax : 2223466
Lieutenant Governor
Name: Shri Govind Singh Gurjar
Department: -
Address: -
Phone: (O) 0413 - 2334051, (R) 2334050 (Fax) 2334025
Name: Thiru.Radhakrishnan
Department: -
Address: Office : Legislative Assembly, Victor Simonel Street, Puducherry - 605 001Resi : No.6, First Cross, Jaya Nagar, Puducherry - 605 001
Phone: (O) 0413 - 2334461, 2338373 (R) 2291133 ( Fax ) 0413 - 2332397 Mob : 9843466566
Speaker- Deputy Speaker
Name: A.V. Sreedharan
Department: -
Address: Office : Legislative Assembly, Victor Simonel Street, Puducherry - 605 001Resi : House, P.O. Palloor, Mahe-673 333
Phone: (O) 0413 - 2335326 ( R ) 2221513 (Pondy) 2332640 ( Mahe ) , Mob : 9443221513