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LASER Hair Reduction Treatment |
By : MAAC Clinicare , Bangalore, India 23.8.2017 Mail Now | |
LASER is a procedure where in LASER beam targets the melanin of hair follicle & destroys it by the heat generated by the LASER beam. L- Light Normal hair growth cycle is for 1- 1and half moth, It has three phases:-
Only hair that is in growing phase will respond, around
25- 30% of hair in one single session, Thick & darker hair responds well for
LASER Hair Reduction. Around 6-8 session in intervals of 4 to 6 weeks, it varies from person to person. What are Reaction felt while doing LASER?
This is a good response and indication that the hair has responded. Which are the common areas where LASER is done? LASER can be done for full body , commonly most people go for