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Wooden Bracelet

Wooden Bracelet
Total views : 22277    18 . 8 . 2014

Wooden Bracelet
Things we need for the making of the bracelet are,
» Thread
» Wooden beads of different colours
» Scissors

knot at the folded end of the thread

Take a thread and fold it into two halves. Make a knot at the folded end of the thread. Now we have two ends.

Insert a wooden bead from one end of the thread

Insert a wooden bead from one end of the thread.

hold both ends

Now hold both ends together and make a knot.

different colour from the other end of the thread

Now insert another wooden bead, which is of different colour from the other end of the thread. Again hold both ends together and make a knot as shown. Repeat the procedure, until you reach the exact length. Here, we are done.


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June 11, 2017
Arti kushwaha, UP
October 30, 2014
Very help full for doing tread...
Bansi, Hyderabad
October 20, 2014
It is super coooooool and very stylish. I thought it would be difficult,but it is real easy.
Rabail, Pakistan
September 6, 2014
Its easy... I also try it
Chandu Priya, Bhakarapet
August 23, 2014
Nice handmade Bracelet I will try for my self...