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Easy Bulletin Board

Easy Bulletin Board
Total views : 14659    3 . 6 . 2024
Bulletin board's are a must at any office or classroom. They are sometimes referred to as message board or reminder board. how to make one with in 10 minutes, at just the cost of a thermocol sheet and few colored papers.

Easy Bulletin Board
Before we start, lets get ready with the following things.
» Thermocol sheet 19 x 19 inches
» Silver paper 1 sheet
» Glue
» Scissors
» Velvet paper 18 x 18 inches

silver paper

Lets take the large silver paper sheet. Using ruler and a pencil cut the silver paper into strips of 3 inches width.

strips at the edges

Glue the silver paper strips at the edges of the thermocol sheet.

velvet paper sheet

Now take the velvet paper sheet and trim to get sheets of 18 x 18 inch size. Paste the velvet to the center of the board so that silver paper borders show out.

easily pin up notices

Our Bulletin board is ready for display. Bulletin board can be either glued or nailed or hung on the wall. We can easily pin up notices, Photographs and memos on the bulletin board.


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Jasnoor Kaur, Ludhiana, Punjab
August 6, 2017
It is vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvery easy .I just love it .Thanks