Saturday, July 27, 2024

Buttons Fall Tree

Buttons Fall Tree
Total views : 9637    20 . 1 . 2014

There are so many hobby ideas to make your child creative. Buttons craft is one such cute idea. We gonna to make a simple fall tree made with buttons.

Buttons Fall Tree
All you need are
» One A4 sheet paper
» Small sticks
» Buttons – red, yellow and some fade blue or green
» Craft glue

Glue a stick on the paper

Glue a stick on the paper. This is the tree trunk. To make branches, paste small sticks on either side of the tree trunk. You can also add additional sub branches.

gluing buttons on the branches

Once it is dried well, start gluing buttons on the branches. Fill the base of the branches with red, the middle with yellow and tip with the faded blue or green buttons, just to resemble the real fall tree.

two or three buttons on the ground

Place two or three buttons on the ground.

It is ready! Write your name on it and present it to your dear ones.


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