Saturday, July 27, 2024

Flower Candle

Flower Candle
Contributed by- Gracey Anand , Kochi , India
Total views : 35658    3 . 1 . 2014

You can make beautiful flowers with thin layers of wax.

Take a flat plate, grease it and pour melted wax on the plate approximately, a layer 5mm thin. When it is half set, take a knife and cut small pieces in the shape of semi circles. Roll this pieces from one end to make a small rose flower.

Place a primed wick in the middle. Make many such roses and decorate it under any other finished candle. Light shades will give the flower candles a beautiful look. 

We can also make green leaves with green colour wax, following the same method as the flower. Leaf shapes should be cut out from the thin layer of wax. If required, you can press veins on it with a knife and even shape the sides of the leaves by cutting it. 


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