Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Water Marble Easter Eggs

Water Marble Easter Eggs
Total views : 11928    9 . 4 . 2024

There is no Easter without Easter eggs.. Decorating them is a cool part of Easter celebrations.

Try out this very simple method of designing Easter eggs. Yummy Chocolate Easter egg recipe to cook & relish


Water Marble Easter Eggs
 For designing Easter eggs you need
» Eggs
» Water
» Different colour nail polishes
» Container

Make a small hole on the tip of the eggs and remove all the contents inside. Clean the eggshell with water and let it dry. This will help to preserve the Easter eggs for years.

Take water in a container. Make sure that the water has been kept in room temperature. Select some bright colour nail polishes. Take one of them and slowly add a small drop of it to the centre of the container of water. Repeat the process with the other colours.

Now take the eggshell and dip it in the water. Carefully take it out of the water and let the colours set. Different colours of the polish will make unique designs on the eggs.

Once the polish dries, pat the eggshell with some oil to give a shiny finish. Here your Easter egg is ready. Design more eggs and arrange them in a basket.


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