Saturday, July 27, 2024

Tortoise - Using Coconut Shell

Contributed by- Dhivya G Kishore , Chennai , India
Total views : 73228    17 . 6 . 2009

Tortoise - Model diagram
Items Needed :
» Used coconut shell
» Thermo coal
» Cardboard
» Fevicol
» Black beeds
» Scissors


Method :

» Clean the coconut shell neatly.
» Place the shell on the cardboard and draw the outer surface.
» And also draw head and tail in opposite directions along the outlined surface in the cardboard.
» Cut out the outlined portion
» Cut the thermo coal in the same shape of head and tail as drawn in the cardboard
» Using fevicol, paste the coconut shell on the cardboard and also the head and tail shaped thermo coal.
» Cut four Small Square shape thermo coal and paste it under the cardboard so that it give legs for the tortoise.
» Take two black beeds and paste it in the head portion of the thermo coal, so that it gives eyes for the tortoise.
» Now your TORTOISE is ready!!!


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shalvee, mumbai
July 16, 2011
very nice
Sudha, Coimbatore
May 12, 2010
Pictures will be helpful