Home / Panaesha Capital launches a pre ICO token sale for Feelium - a cryptocurrency

Panaesha Capital launches a pre ICO token sale for Feelium - a cryptocurrency

Panaesha Capital, a leading Singapore based

fintech startup, today announced the launch of its first initial

coin offering (ICO) 'Feelium' a one of its kind digital currency

which can be stored, used and traded through an integrated wallet

and exchange services.

Sandeep Phogat, CEO and Founder, Panaesha Capital Pte. Ltd. said,

in a release that despite tremendous progress in economic

globalization, the global

financial system is still very fragmented. Blockchain technology has

tremendous potential to consolidate and, perhaps, even standardize

financial markets all over the world. While some ventures are

raising capital through an ICO, we have already invested a fair

amount of seed capital in building our own technology, human capital

and marketing outreach. The launch of Feelium will enable operators

to solve the biggest problems such as speed, trust, and cost. Our

goal is to build a platform known for simplicity, security,

cost-effectiveness, speed, a stable means of payment and exchange.

''The cryptocurrency market is predicted to grow by 65 percent by

2020, and Feelium aims to capitalize on this growth by integrating

real-world business with a secure blockchain platform. Feelium can

be accessed across the world and will revolutionize world economy

allowing fast, cross-border trade and business to occur.

The blockchain start-up business sector is booming and will

streamline the way businesses and individuals operate. Our pre ICO

capital will be deployed for growth and further development of our

product for usage for mass markets. Private investors can

participate in the pre ICO rush by directly contacting us.'' said,

Ravi Kikan, Chief Operating Officer, Panaesha Capital Pte Ltd.

Feelium will allow any user to leverage their own asset by


them to trade and benefit from the launch of Feelium coins. The ICO

will launch from Singapore and be available globally. This

centralised blockchain platform creates a new sphere of trading that

captures the balance between completely unregulated ICO markets and

highly regulated traditional securities markets. With this

centralised system, Feelium Tokens will be issued from a central

agency, only after KYC/AML procedures are completed by the user.

This would allow the government to regulate an ICO in case of fraud.

Currently, Panaesha Capital Pte. Ltd has abided to all current

regulations and will continue to do so in the event that more

regulations are introduced. They are also backed by a legal advisory

to ensure that all legalities are followed., release added.

At the end of its pre-sale offering, it aims to raise 21 million

USD. The public sale is expected to begin on March 21 at 0000 hours

and will continue for two months, a release said


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