Home / Promoting investment in Blockchain Startups

Promoting investment in Blockchain Startups

New Delhi | Monday, Dec 3 2018 IST: One of the most well-known news platforms in the Blockchain industry, BTCwires has organised Wire Summit 2018, with a view to promoting investment in Blockchain-based startups.

The event was organised in partnership with Fintech Valley, Vizag, Government of Andhra Pradesh.

“Fintech Valley, Vizag as part of the Vizag Fintech Festival 2018 has hosted a number of blockchain start-ups like Belfrics, BlockTrust and R3. The discussion in the Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology space has moved to understand how real Blockchain impact is through successful full-scale implementations beyond the Pilots,” said Mr J A Chowdary - Special Chief Secretary & IT Advisor to the Chief Minister - Govt. of AP

Investor Groups and companies like R3, Nair Ventures, Swiss Investment Group and Indian partners from Angelist, IAN, and other top investment firms in the country with a host of Experienced Traditional and Prominent Angel Investors attended the event on Sunday.

“The main objective of Wire Summit is to promote, facilitate and execute investments into blockchain based Startups and DApp Projects. The event will be one of its kind in India, largest in terms of investor relations in Blockchain Sector,” said Vinay Nair, Managing Partner at Nair Ventures speaking at the event.

The event gave various Startups and blockchain companies a chance to pitch their ideas and products to experienced investors, venture capitalists, and fund managers.


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