Dr Jem Kalathil,Lead Senior Consultant, Surgical Oncology,Aster Medcity, Kochi Early Diagnosis of Breast Cancer increases rate of survival.
The statistics are scary. Breast cancer has today become
the leading cause of cancer related deaths in Indian women and accounts for 27%
of all cancers in women. Overall, 1 in 28 women is likely to develop breast
cancer during her lifetime. The incidence is more in urban areas as compared to
rural areas but lack of awareness and absence of regular screenings in the rural
areas may contribute to this difference. The incidence rates in India begin to
rise in the early thirties and peak at ages 50-64 years.
It is a cause for concern that as per the latest data available, while 1,44,937
new cases were registered in 2012, there were over 70,000 deaths from breast
cancer, implying that for every 2 women newly diagnosed with breast cancer, one
women died of it. When compared to 2,32,714 new cases and 43,909 deaths from
breast cancer in the US, it is clear that more patients in India only turn up
for diagnosis and treatment when the cancer is in advanced stages.
It is time to take care and be aware!
The three main risk factors for developing breast cancer are:
1. Gender: Females have a greater chance of developing breast
cancer. Breast cancer also affects men, but it is rare.
2. Age: More than 80% of breast cancers occur in women over the
age of 50 years. Most men who get breast cancer are over 60 years of age.
3. Family History: Around 5% of people diagnosed with breast
cancer have been found to have a faulty BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene.
Other risk factors that contribute to the risk of developing breast
cancer are:
1. High fat diet: A high fat diet increases the risk because
fat triggers estrogen production that can fuel tumor growth.
2. Smoking: Smoking is a risk factor for many types of cancer.
Recent research has shown that smoking is a contributing risk factor for
developing breast cancer.
3. Alcohol: Excess consumption of alcohol may
contribute to the risk of developing breast cancer. Alcohol also increases
estrogen in the blood.
4. Birth control pills: There is an increased risk of breast
cancer for women who have been using birth control pills for more than 5 years.
The risk is relatively small due to the low quantity of hormones used in the
pills today.
5. HRT or Hormone Replacement Therapy: Women with known risks
should select alternative methods for symptoms related to menopause.
Visiting a doctor every month for a breast cancer check up in neither practical
nor is it required. Any woman can do
Breast self examination once a month looking out
for any changes in breast tissue, such as changes in size, feeling a lump,
dimpling or puckering of the breast, inversion of the nipple, redness or
scaliness of the breast skin or nipple/areola area or any discharge of
secretions from the nipple.
The self examination should be done 8-10 days after
the start of the menstrual period as this is the time when the breasts are least
tender and lumpy. If in menopause, then the same day of the month should be
selected for self-examination. While it is not unusual to have lumps in the
breast, one needs to look out for any change from the previous month’s exam. If
there is a persistent lump or other changes, it is important to see a doctor for
further investigations. All lumps need not be breast cancer. In fact only a
small percentage of breast lumps turn out to be cancerous.
A clinical breast examination should ideally be done annually by a physician or
surgeon who is trained to recognise the different signs and indications of
possible breast cancer. While the specialist will look for the same signs that a
woman may be looking for during her monthly self examination, an experienced
doctor can recognise something suspicious that a woman may miss or may not
recognise as a warning sign. In such cases, the doctor may ask for further
Investigations that help in the diagnosis of breast cancer are:
1. Mammogram: A mammogram is an x-ray that allows the doctor to
examine the breast tissue for any suspicious areas. In a diagnostic mammogram,
more x-rays are taken that help to provide views of the breast tissue from
different angle. Mammography is the standard method for diagnosing early-stage
breast cancer.Mammogram is advocated as a screening tool only after the age of
40 years.
2. Ultrasound: An ultrasound also may be used to look for
suspicious areas.Ultrasound is the choice of breast screening in ladies those
who are less than 35 years
3. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) of the breast: Although
breast MRI is not regularly used for breast cancer screening, it may help detect
breast cancer in its earliest stage for some women who are at high risk for
developing the disease, especially in those with a genetically proven familial
Breast cancer
4. Biopsy: Tissue or sometimes fluid is removed from the
suspicious area and cells are examined under a microscope as well as subjected
to further tests to check for the presence of cancer.
5. Lab Tests: Additional laboratory tests may be ordered to
check the prognosis.
In addition to helping in the diagnosis of breast cancer, the investigations and
tests help the doctor determine which stage the cancer is in. Knowing the stage
of breast cancer helps the doctor to decide on the course of treatment. The
stage of breast cancer depends on:
1. The size of the tumor
2. The number of lymph nodes affected
3. Whether or not the breast cancer has spread to other organs in the body like
bones, liver, lung or brain.
The stages range from Stage 0 to Stage 4. Stage 0 and Stage 1 are only found
during very early detection and the cancer cells are confined to a very limited
area. In Stage 2, the cancer is still in the early stages and contained to the
breast area, but there is some evidence that the cancer has begun to grow or
spread. In Stage 3, cancer has invaded surrounding tissues near the breast and
is considered to be locally advanced cancer. Stage 4 is when the cancer has
spread beyond the breast to other parts of the body.
Once the doctor has determined the state, the course of treatment will be
decided upon. The treatment may include one or more of the following in
1. Surgery: The definitive form of treatment for breast cancer
is surgery. This involves removal of the tumor along with the tissue on the
margins of the tumor. Depending on the spread, surgery may involve a lumpectomy,
Breast Conservation surgery (Removal of only the lump with margins) or
mastectomy and reconstruction. Axillary nodes also will be addressed in form of
axillary dissection or Sentinel lymph node biopsy (Picking up only the
suspicious nodes)
2. Chemotherapy: A combination of drugs that destroy the cancer
cells or slow down their growth.
3. Radiation Therapy: High energy rays are used to kill the
cancer cells. It also affects the nearby skin or cells in the part exposed to
the radiation.
4. Hormone therapy: Hormone therapy drugs may be used if the
cancer cells have hormone receptors to destroy the cancer cells by cutting off
their supply of hormones.
5. Targeted therapy: This is a newer type of cancer treatment
that uses drugs or other substances to more precisely identify and attack cancer
cells, usually while doing little damage to normal cells. These are of two types
– monoclonal antibodies or small molecules.
Although cancer cannot be prevented, the risk of breast cancer can be reduced
through good habits. These include:
1. Maintaining a healthy weight,
2. Staying physically active,
3. Eating fruits and vegetables, and
4. Avoiding smoking and alcohol.
Finally early detection is what leads to the greatest chance of successful
treatment. When breast cancer is detected early and is in the localised state,
the five year survival rate is almost 100%. So take care, be aware.