Thursday, October 24, 2024
Area    : 44,212 Sq Km
Capital : Chandigarh
Districts         : 20
Language : Hindi
Population : 25,351,462 (2011 census)
Literacy : 75.55% (2011 census)
State Bird : Black Francolin
State Animal : Black Buck
State Flower : Lotus
State Tree : Peepal
Haryana map
Haryana was carved out of the Indian state of Punjab on 1st November 1966. The state has Uttar Pradesh on its eastern border, Punjab on its western border, Himachal Pradesh and Shivalik Hills on its northern border and Delhi, Rajasthan and Aravali Hills on its southern border. Haryana has a network of tourist complexes, named after birds. These have been set up along the national / state highways and at districts, towns and at places around Delhi. Some of the tourist complexes in Haryana are Badhkal Lake, Dabchik, Jungle Babbler, Karna Lake, Kala teetar, Surajkund and Yadvindra Gardens at more
Fairs & Festivals  

Haryana can be termed as the land of fairs and Festivals....

Festival Calendar
About Haryana

Haryana is a small state, tucked away in the south west corner of India. It represents only 1.18 percent of the total area of India but has 3.34% of the total population of the country. It is separated from the rest of the peninsula by natural geographic boundaries.

Economy Districts
Land Government Directory

Arts of Haryana

Haryana has a rich tradition of folk music. Even villages have been named after classical ragas. In Dadri tehsil, several villages have names related to well known ragas.


In Haryana, Even villages have been named after classical ragas


This dance is common among the people of Haryana


The tradition of folk theatre in Haryana is very old

Travel & Tourism

Haryana, the land with its incredible natural beauty is a small coastline state of India

About Haryana Faridabad
Chandigarh Gurgaon