Tuesday, February 18, 2025



Mainly the crops of Haryana are divided into Kharif and Rabi crops. The main Kharif  crops are Sugarcane, ground nut, paddy and maize. Minor Kharif crops are chillies, bajra, jowar, pulses and vegetables. The Main Rabi crops are gram, wheat, barley and oil seeds. Minor Rabi crops are massar, barseen, methi, onion  and winter vegetables.

WheatThe western Yamuna canal and  the Bhakra canal system brings benefits to the cultivators of Haryana in a big way. The state has extensive tube well system. This irrigation net work has made Haryana into one of the front line states of India in  terms of good grains production. The state is not only surplus in food grains but also makes large quantities available to the central pool to serve the needs of the deficit states and provides some for export. High yielding varieties of wheat, paddy, sugarcane, barley, gram and a variety of other crops as well as vegetables and fruits are produced. Against the all-India average 31.6% of net irrigated area to the next sown area Haryana has a high average of 79.8%. The state is noted in respect of cultivation  of as much of the land as is  available. In Haryana, out of 100 hectares as much as 3/4 is cultivated and nearly 30% of the area under crop is irrigated. Agriculture dominates the economy of the state. The out put of food grains per hectare is much  higher in Haryana than the rest of the country and the state is a kind of granary.