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Poppy Flowers

Poppy Flowers
Total views : 91459    3 . 11 . 2009

 Poppy Flowers


  • Crepe Paper (red and Golden yellow)

  • Black cloth

  • Cotton

  • Stem Wire

  • Green Tape

  • Thread



    Shape of the Petals
  • Cut red crepe paper for petals as shown in figure (4 or 5 pieces for each flower). 

  • Make the centre of the flower by wrapping a ball of cotton with black cloth and tying it with a thread. Attach  a stem wire by twisting the wire at the bottom of the center.

  • Take a strip of golden yellow crepe paper and cut its edges 1/4 " to the centre of the strip.

  • Flower Centre
  • Wind the strip around the flower centre and tie it with a thread as shown in the picture gallery.

  • After creping (crumbling) the petals by Handkerchief method, fix petals to the centre using thread.

  • Fixing the Petals
  •  Wrap the stem with green tape.

Now your flower is ready, arrange with fresh or artificial leaves

Handkerchief method

Handkerchief method

Cut the petal and fold in half lengthwise.


Place it inside a handkerchief or other light material . Using the palm of one hand to hold the base of the petals, the cloth is pulled firmly away from the centre crease.


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Rusty, PgkjbPAoBvkQmQuRu
April 20, 2011
That's a mold-berkaer. Great thinking!
A.AMMU, chennai
April 12, 2011
dear team, i am so much intrusted to know more about making artificial flowers toys will you pls help me to how to lean it. thanks
fathima, Chennai
December 16, 2010
The details are good but it would be better with picture instructions to make each step clear
lissy jacob, Ahmedabad
August 19, 2010
It was very interesting. loved it. I would like to hear more from you.
Shabnam, Kuwait
May 24, 2010
This is a little hard for me