Sunday, January 26, 2025
Cities & Towns

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The Uppal Museum

The Uppal Museum depicts the outdoor and indoor models of physiographical features of north western India. The Outdoor model is created by the mixture of cement and concrete ,which shows the territoties of Himalaya surrounded by hills and the passageway of famous rivers like the Ravi, Beas and Sutlej. The Indoor Model is created on scale (Vertical as well as horizontal scales) ,which shows relatively large area about 760,000, covering several states of north-west India including Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Uttranchal and parts of Rajas than and Western Uttar Pradesh. Heights of physical features on the model are marked by enamel paints of different colors and the different features of the model are shown by appropriate arrangements of light (florescent tubes, floodlight, neon light) . The museum provides the demonstration of physiographical diversity and offer land and water resources of North West India . This Museum is useful for the students, researchers, and planners to get the knowledge of the probable and restriction of our natural resources.

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