Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Cities & Towns

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Punjab Agriculture University Museum

The well known Punjab Agriculture University is located on the outskirts of Ludhiana on Ferozepur Road. The university patterned after the Land Grant College of America, was established in the year 1962, and covers an area of 1510 acres on its main campus, and around 4615 acres at the regional research stations. The Museum of Rural history of Punjab in this university campus, resemble the traditional houses of rural Punjab and exhibits local arts & crafts including ancient bronze utensils, ancient agricultural equipment and tools, junkets used to decorate draught animals and is a repository of the states cultural ethos and traditions. A 100 yard long path, flanked on both sides by water channels, leads to the finely carved doors of the museum. The Punjab Agricultural University is the only university in India having this type of museum. It was in this University that the famous fair of Punjab Kisan Mela is conducted every year and also conducted shows off kitchenware, Persian well, free-time vocations that engage the women etc. The museum opens from 9 am to 1.00 pm and 2 pm to 5 pm. The charges are minimum at Rs. 2.
Punjab Agriculture University also houses Uppal Museum and Soils Museum

Contact Address:
Punjab Agricultural University,
Ludhiana (Punjab) 141004, INDIA
Tel. 91-161- 2401960-79 Ext:- 213, Fax. 91-161- 2400945
Contact : E-mail

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  By :  Ian R. Lawson (M.D.) smiley
  Aug 9, 2014 8:11:21 PM | Danbury, Connecticut, USA Reply to this Comment/ Review
For two years, at CMC Ludhiana, 1967-68, I helped develop rural medical services and lived in Narangwal. We began to collect artifacts of rural life and agriculture for a museum similar to two in Scotland and one in E. Europe. I congratulate the Punjab Agricultural University has had the foresight and resources to establish it. I have images of the 'green revolution' and traditional rural occupations (weaving, cooking, sugar cane manufacturing) as practiced in the 1960s. I'd be glad to share them. IRL