Thursday, October 24, 2024
Andhra Pradesh
Area    : 2,75,068 SqKm
Capital : Hyderabad
Districts         : 13
Language : Telugu and  Urdu
Population : 84,580,777(2011census)
Literacy : 67.02 % (2011census)
State Bird : Kingfisher, (Paala Pitta)
State Animal : lackbuck, (Krishna Jinka)
State Flower : Water lily
State Tree : Neem
Andhra Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh is the third largest state in India and it forms the major link between the north and the south of India. It is the biggest and most populous state in the south of India. Andhra Pradesh lies between 12o41' and 22o longitude and 77o and 84o40' latitude. It is bounded by Madhya Pradesh and Orissa in the north, the Bay of Bengal in the east, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka in the south and Maharashtra in the west. The state is dotted with hill ranges from the north to the south, running erratically down the middle of the country dividing it into western and eastern or coastal Andhra.


Travel & Tourism
Andhra Pradesh, known as the 'Rice Granary of India' is a favourable tourist state in India which has a coast line of 1000kms with eight of its 23 districts having direct access to the sea.....Read More
About Andhra
Travel & Tourism
Tourist Information Centres
How to Reach There
About Andhra Pradesh

Andhra Pradesh is the third largest state in India and it forms the major link between the north and the south of India. It is the biggest and most populous state in the south of India.

History Economy Land
District Map Jobs City Guide
Classifieds Real Estate Yellowpages
Government Directory    
Festivals of Andhra Pradesh
Colourful Andhra Pradesh

Two festivals are occasions of special importance all over Andhra Pradesh. Read More

Temple Festivals
Festival Calendar
Arts of Andhra Pradesh  
Time to Enjoy....

In Andhra there are nearly thirty-three kinds of foresters, hill men and tribals. All have, their own dances