Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Fairs and Festivals

Temple Festivals
Kottiyoor Utsavam

This festival partakes in part of the nature of Vela and Pooram. The temple is situated at the foot of the Wynad hills rising 3,000 to 5,000 feet from the sides of the little glade. The festival is attended by all classes but they do not mix together. The Nairs go first and after a few days, the Nairs having done, the Tiyans and so on. The pilgrims like those bound to the cock-festival at Cranganore, indulge in the vilest and filthiest abuse. They use personal violence to persons and property all along the road. The festival is held is not in the temple but in the forest about a quarter of a mile away from it. There is a stream between the spot where the festival is held and the temple. About a hundred yards beyond the stream there is a little glade in the forest which is a sacred spot. It is heed extremely holy and the very idea of visiting it except at the festival is deemed dreadful. In the centre of the glade is a circle of piled stones, 12 feet in diameter and in the middle of the pile of stones is rude lingam. Temporary sheds are put up for the occasion. Pilgrims carry with them offerings when they go up for the festival.