Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Disha Pandey, Content Evangelist, Delhi -
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Disha Pandey
Disha Pandey, -
Content Evangelist
Delhi, India

A Content Evangelist by profession and a brooding poet by passion. Already a logophile, bibliophile, and multi-potentialite, she is a wannabe polymath. As a keen lover of literature, she believes in contradicting popular belief, while giving some food for thought to her readers.


 My Articles

1. Life Insurance is Not a Tax Saving Tool ( Finance )

Life insurance is one of the strongest pillars of personal finances and deserves consideration by every person.

2. Health Insurance Claims Ratio – A Guide to Understanding How Claims Ratios Work ( Finance )

Health insurance provides you with a sense of relief when a medical condition is diagnosed

3. Everything You Need to Know About Car Insurance in India ( Finance )

Here is a list of all the crucial things you need to know about car insurance.

4. 3 Important Questions to Consider When Buying a Term Insurance Plan ( Finance )

How much money (or cover amount) would your family require, if you weren’t there to support them? This is one of the first questions that you must answer when buying a term plan.

5. Can Cloud Hosting Make Your E-Commerce Website 1000x Faster? ( Computers )

First impressions are crucial in the vast world of internet where you get brief attention spans to engage end-users. A faster website is the only way to achieve increased conversions and visitors to return to your page.

6. 7 Irreversible Health Mistakes We Make in Our 20s ( Finance )

No matter you believe it or not, but the health decisions you make in your 20s will delineate the panorama of your life down the road.