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Let's consider Asthma Serious

  By : , Kochi , India       2.5.2018         Phone:0484 669 9999          Mail Now
  Kuttisahib Road, Near Kothad Bridge, South Chittoor, Cheranalloor, Kochi, Kerala 682027

Dr. Jacob Baby
Head, Aster Pulmonology,
Aster Medcity, Kochi

An asthma attack occurs when an allergen or a stress factor causes an immune reaction that leads to inflammation (swelling) in the airways, narrowing the air passage and reducing air flow in the lungs. This causes wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and coughing, which can last for a few minutes or up to days, depending on the severity and length of exposure. If not treated, asthma attacks lead to frequent hospitalisation and death.

People being diagnosed with asthma for the first time with no family history is definitely going up. As for asthma among children, they may not remain asthmatic if the triggers are taken away. Pollutants are also adding to wheezy bronchitis and flare-ups in people with COPD.

Prevalence is high in 5-11-year-old children who have smaller airways that get constricted when exposed to allergens such as pollutants, dust, weather changes, pollen, mites and hazardous gases in indoor and outdoor air. This makes asthma the most common chronic disorder in children. About half the children who have wheezing and asthmatic episodes outgrow it. Asthma rates worldwide, on average, are rising by 50% every decade. "Some blame it on hygiene hypothesis, which holds that children with lower exposure to bacteria and viruses in early childhood do not develop a robust immunity."

Other triggers include indoor and outdoor air pollution, pollen, food colour and additives, obesity, smoking, second-hand smoke, poorly ventilated homes and workplaces (10% of adult asthma is work-related), cold weather, exercise and stressors such as domestic violence and even relationships breaking down. House dust mites and cockroaches are very strong allergens that can trigger asthma.

The Survey conducted by Aster Medcity among the public showed that 30 % of asthmatics has no family history of asthma. This is definitely due to life style changes in our community.

Since asthma is a chronic disease, it requires continuous medical care. Patients with moderate to severe asthma have to take long-term medicines such as anti-inflammatory drugs every day to prevent symptoms and attacks. If symptoms occur, short-term medicines such as inhaled short-acting beta2-agonists are used to relieve them.

The goal of asthma therapy is to control asthma so that patients can live active, full lives while minimising their risk of asthma exacerbations and other problems. Medication is not the only way to control asthma, but it's as important to avoid asthma triggers-stimuli that irritate and inflame the airways such as fine dust, mouldy areas, second-hand smoke, sudden change in temperature and acid reflex.

If you have asthma, avoid oily, spicy and fermented food, and do not lie down two hours after dinner.

Its interesting to note that emotions also play a major role in precipating an asthma attack. Anger, depression, relation break ups, anxiety etc. are very common triggers. Other triggers are sudden climatic changes, dusty winds, secod had smoking, food allergies, infections, lack of exercise, over sanitation etc.

Dr.Jacob Baby: 97444 81367

TAGS: Asthma,   Lung diseases,   Pulmonology,   Dr. Jacob Baby,  

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