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FAQs About Liposuction

  By : , Bangalore, India       18.10.2017         Mail Now
  #363, Elegant Embassy, 10th B Main Rd,

   1.   What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a type of cosmetic surgery which removes unwanted fat from the body using suction to reshape and sculpt your body. It is a day care, stitch less and keyhole procedure where 1cm cut is made during the surgery and  usually done under general anesthesia.  Recovery is very simple & uneventful.

   2.   Who is the ideal liposuction candidate?

Liposuction surgery is best for the person whose weight is normal, but there is stubborn fat deposited in particular areas like thighs, buttocks, abdomen, arms, double chin, upper & lower back which is not responding to exercise or diet control. It is not a weight loss procedure but will shrink you down by several inches and improve body contour. 

  3.   Effectiveness of the treatment

After the procedure it is very rare to put on the fat deposit in the same area where liposuction has been done. The fat cells do not multiply though it may increase in size if there is a gross weight gain of 15-20 kgs. So the procedure is

very effective & the result will be long lasting

   4.   Post-procedure skin changes

After the surgery there will be edema of the skin which will last for 2-3 weeks. There can be bruises on the skin which subsides by 10-15 days. It changes color from bright red to dull red then to blue followed by yellow then it disappear. Cuts do not require any sutures and heals with minimal scar.

   5.    How long does the liposuction procedure take?

The duration of the liposuction procedure depends on the amount of the fat to be removed & the number of the areas to be treated. Most of the operations take from 30 minutes to 4 hours and extensive areas will require more time. The length of the procedure also varies with the type of anesthesia.

   6.   What areas of the body can be treated with liposuction?

Lipsuction is helpful in reshaping one or more areas of the body by removing stubborn fat from the areas like lower back, buttocks, thighs, abdomen, and upper arms. It is also useful in removing fatty tumors like lipoma and reducing the size of the male breasts in case of gynecomastia.

   7.   Liposuction After Care  

After the liposuction surgery resuming the normal activities early will help in early recovery. On the day of surgery soft diet is the better option. One can consume normal food within 1-2 days. Avoid strenuous activities for 3 weeks after surgery. The pressure garment should be worn daily for up to 6-8 weeks. Swelling & bruising are normal following surgery. There will be gradual fading of the bruise and later they will disappear.

For more details contact : MAAC, Bangalore. 

TAGS: what is liposuction,   liposuction faq,   liposuction surgery,   truth about liposuction,   liposuction cost,   maac clinic,   bangalore ,  

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