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Summer Foods to Beat the Heat!

  By : , Mumbai, India       5.4.2017         Phone:9004839333          Mail Now
  New Lifeline Hospital, Malad west

Maintaining a healthy diet in summer is a concern for most individuals in the modern world.

The sun is shining and the mercury levels are soaring, you know the summer is here and there is no escape from it. It is a season where energy levels and appetite are low and a slightest activity causes the sweat to flow off your back and face. Life goes on and it is very necessary to cope with the heat to avoid the usual problems of dehydration, heatstroke and a feeling of lethargy. The best way to beat the heat is to eat the right food. Eating the right type of food makes the summer pleasant and enjoyable.

Here are some really cool summers foods that will help you beat the heat and keep you refreshed.


Water is an essential ingredient that keeps the body cool. With high humidity levels sweat does not evaporate easily, hence it is important to hydrate your body even when you are not thirsty. It is important to increase the intake of water regardless of your activity level. Water is important to maintain healthy functions of body cells. It is essential to drink plenty of water to replenish losses due to excessive sweating dehydration etc.


Chilled soups are great appetizers to start your meals in summer. You can choose from the regular tomato or mixed vegetable soup or opt for chilled soups made from vegetables with a dash of mint or coriander to add a refreshing flavor. It is advisable to have soup as they hydrate you and fills you so you can eat less and stay healthy.

Cooling drinks

In summer, cool drinks and juices like lime juice, jal jeera, kokam juice or buttermilk are good options to keep you cool. Coconut water is another option that is cooling and nourishing. They should be consumed in regular intervals to keep yourself hydrated.


Like chilled soups, salads are a great way to start your meals in summer. Salads are quick to prepare and are quite healthy (unless you load them with heavy dressings). Remember the more the number of fresh vegetables in the diet, the healthier you will be in summer. Salads are healthy and easy to digest in summer.


You can stock your refrigerator with a wide variety of summer vegetables like onions, brinjal, bottle gourd, celery, tomatoes and cucumber, as they are very nutritious and low in calories.

Fresh Fruits

It is important to minimize the intake of dried fruits and increase the intake of fresh foods. Fresh fruits are nutritious and refreshing.  Many seasonal fruits like mangoes, litchi, water melons, strawberry and jamuns are available in summer. These fruits are juicy and can be had as snacks to beat the heat.

Cook vegetable with curd or tomatoes

Most Indian foods are made in the form of gravies .It is important to save your rich gravies made from coconut, cashew nuts and poppy seeds (khus khus) for when it is cooler. It is advised that in summers you have light gravies made from tomatoes, or curd as they are easy to digest. Adding cumin seeds (jeera) and coriander will make the gravies more cooling and appealing.

It is advised that you avoid fried, spicy or salty food to avoid the discomforts of summer. It is also essential to cut down beverages such as colas, tea or coffee. Tea and coffee contain caffeine that leads to dehydration when had in excess amounts, hence it is essential to limit the consumption of tea and coffee to one or two cups in a day.


Curd is a great summer food as it has cooling properties. Curd can be had in various forms like raita, lassi, shrikhand, chass etc .It is recommended consuming curd in summers as it contains proteins in the pre digested form and is rich in vitamin B which helps to soothe allergies and ulcers that are common during hot season. It is important that that you choose your food wisely to beat the scorching heat of summer and to avoid being falling ill.

For more information and appointments call 9004839333.Clinics at Malad,Juhu and Bandra in Mumbai for all skin,hair and nail ailments.

TAGS: food to eat in the heat,   best summer food,   cooling food for indian summer,   summer food,   summer food list,   ravindra dargainya,   dermatologist,   mumbai,  

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