Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Cities & Towns

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Ijtima (Tablighi Ijtima) is the important festival of Muslims in Bhopal. Previously it was celebrated in the precincts of the Taj-ul-Masjid, but later the venue of the celebrations has been shifted out of the city to a place called Ghasipura . Believed to be one of the biggest Islamic congregations in the world, Ijtima is celebrated annually for 3 days, accompanied by a gorgeous fair. More than half a million Muslims from all over the world participate in the Ijtima. 

It is said that in the earlier days, during the colonial rule in India, it was popular among the locals because of the clothes that were sold at the fair. The foreign delegates used to bring many clothes along with them and sell them at very low prices. With the passage of time and availability of good quality clothing materials in India, the hype that surrounded the trade of the discarded clothes of the foreigners gradually disappeared.

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