Ferry Timings |
State Water Transport Services Phone : 0484-2360215 |
Ernakulam (Main Jetty) to Embarkation (Willingdon Island)/ Fort Kochi
Ernakulam to Fort Kochi boat journey will takes about 20 minutes. Daily there
are 30 services to Fortkochi; the first boat leaves at 0600 hrs and the last
one at 2110 hrs .
Ernakulam (Main Jetty) - Vypeen
Ernakulam Vypeen boat service has two routes; one is via Willingdon Island
(Embarkation Jetty) which will take about 30 minutes to reach Vypeen and the
other is the direct service to Vypeen (Government Jetty) which is about 15 minutes.
First boat to Vypeen from Ernakulam Jetty is at 7am. The service is available
in every 30 minutes, until 9.30pm.
7.00, 7.30, 8.00, 8.30, 9.00, 9.30, 10.00, 10.30, 11.00, 11.30, 12.00, 12.30,
13.00, 13.30, 14.00, 14.30, 15.00, 15.30, 16.00, 16.30, 17.00, 17.30, 18.00,
18.30, 19.00, 19.30, 20.00, 20.30, 21.00, 21.30
Ernakulam (Main Jetty) - Mattancherry
Ernakulam-Mattancherry ferry service will takes around 20 minutes. The first service starts at 6am and the last one is at 9.10pm
Ernakulam (Main Jetty) - Varapuzha
The 1 hour journey to varapuzha provides a chance to see the backwater.
Daily 6 services are available, starting at 7.40am until 6.45pm
Ernakulam (High Court Jetty) - Bolghatty Island
Ferry service are available to Bolghatty Island from the Ernakulam (High Court
Jetty) and the journey time is 10 minutes.
Fort Cochin - Vypeen
Ferry service are available from Fort Cochin (Government Jetty) to Vypeen
(Government Jetty). Service is available in every 10 minutes and the journey
will takes around 10 minutes. The service starts at 6.30am until 9pm.
*All schedules are subject to change without prior notice. Please verify the time before departure.