Sunday, February 16, 2025


Economic Plans

During the economic plans  special efforts were made to develop agriculture  on scientific lines. With the initiation of economic plans an  agriculture department was established to look after the progress and development of this vital organ of the economy. Improved varieties of seeds and fertilizers were distributed in all parts of the country and trained personnel  were posted at various places to assist the cultivator in day-to-day matters  relating to increased agricultural production. Pesticides were also distributed  in areas where crops suffered from insects and pests.

Many personnel from Sikkim were trained in different  agricultural research institutes of India. During the second plan a 200 acres (about 80 hectares ) seed multiplication  farm for paddy, maize and vegetables was developed at Gyalshing. Another 150 acres (about 60 hectares) potato seed farm was set up at Ribdi in western Sikkim. Farmer orientation schemes were accelerated in the third plan. To save the valuable crops of paddy, maize, cardamom and oranges from insects and pests an extensive Plant Protection Scheme was successfully introduced.

The Government of Sikkim  passed two acts, one preventing land-owners from terminating the cultivating rights of the tillers and receiving more than half of farm produce as share or rent and the other restraining the land  lords from selling or other wise interfering with land. This gives the tiller of the land  a real sense of security  against the menace of the feudal land lords. The Sikkim Government has initiated a plan of land  survey and have also succeeded in procuring S.F.D.A (Small Farmers Development Authority) project for the entire state.