Thursday, October 24, 2024
Area    : 38,
Capital : Thiruvananthapuram 
Districts         : 14
Language : Malayalam
Population : 33,406,061 (2011 Census)
Literacy : 94.00% (2011 Census)
State Bird : Hornbill
State Animal : Elephant
State Flower : Kanikkonna
State Tree : Coconut Palm
Kerala map

Legends speak of Kerala as Parasuramakshetram, 'the land of Parasurama'. The land of Kerala is believed to be a gift of the Arabian Sea. Owing to its favourable location this land fostered trade and established contacts with Egypt, Assyria, Greeks, Romans and the Chinese. The Malayalam era 'Kollavarsha' is believed to have started in the 9th century A.D. During this period of internal strife in Kerala, Cheraman Perumal founded the Chera dynasty (9th century AD). In about 1498 the Portuguese came to Calicut and in 1502 to Kochi.

Fairs & Festivals  
Colourful Kerala

Life is a Celebration for Malayalee and thus festivals are an essential part of Kerala...

Festivals Dance Festivals Fasts
Music Festivals Temple Festivals    
Travel & Tourism

Kerala, the land with its incredible natural beauty is a small coastline state of India

Kochi Wayanad
Thiruvananthapuram Allappuzha

Arts of Kerala  
Colourful Kerala

Traditional folk dances are of great variety. One of the most charming is the Kummi, where the rhythm of the song and steps begins in slow beats and gets exciting acceleration as well as complication.


Traditional folk dances are of great variety...


Kerala has shared the general musical culture of India ....

Martial Arts  
Martial Arts

Kalari is a martial art form of Kerala

About Kerala

Kerala is a small state, tucked away in the south west corner of India. It represents only 1.18 percent of the total area of India but has 3.34% of the total population of the country. It is separated from the rest of the peninsula by natural geographic boundaries.

Last Updated on : 30 May 2018