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Relapsing Fever and Unani Treatment

  By : , New Delhi, India       16.8.2017         Phone:8287833547, 7042502204          Mail Now
  F 36 Herbal Medicine Clinic, Baikri wali gali, DB Gupta Market, Karolbagh, New Delhi 110005 Contact No. 8287833547

Relapsing fever is an infection transmitted by a louse or tick. It is characterized by repeated episodes of fever. Relapsing fever, as the name implies, is characterized by recurrent acute episodes of fever. These are followed by periods of defervescence of increasing duration. It is a vector-borne infection that is spread by lice (Pediculus humanus) and ticks (Ornithodoros species). The infection is caused by various spirochete species of the Borrelia genus.

Types and Causes

Relapsing fever is an infection caused by several species of bacteria in the Borrelia family. There are two major forms of relapsing fever:

Tick-borne relapsing fever (TBRF) is transmitted by the Ornithodoros tick and occurs in Africa, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Asia, and certain areas in the western United States and Canada. The bacteria species associated with TBRF are Borrelia duttoni, Borrelia hermsii, and Borrelia parkerii.

Louse-borne relapsing fever (LBRF) is transmitted by body lice and is most common in Asia, Africa, and

Central and South America. The bacteria species associated with LBRF is Borrelia recurrentis.

Sudden fever occurs within 2 weeks of infection. In LBRF, the fever usually lasts 3-6 days and is usually followed by a single, milder episode. In TRBF, multiple episodes of fever occur and each may last up to 3 days. Individuals may be free of fever for up to 2 weeks before it returns.

In both forms, the fever episode may end in "crisis." This consists of shaking chills, followed by intense sweating, falling body temperature, and low blood pressure. This stage may result in death in up to 10% of people.

Unani Treatment:

  1. Qurs Tabaseer kafoori 3 gm with Rub anar tursh 10 gm, afterward decoction of Tukhm Kasini, Tukhm Khayareen, Magaz Tukhm kaddo sheerein, each 9 gm, Tukhm Kahu 7 gm, Aaloo bukhara 7 in numb, and give with Arq baid musk, arq baid sada, arq neelofar each 40 ml.

  2. Karanjwah, afsanteen and chiraita decoction each 6 gm.

TAGS: relapsing fever,   lbrf,   tbrf,   louse borne disease,   unani treatment,   relapsing fever treatment,   unani,   unani system of medicine,   izharul hasan,  

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