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Stock Market (Equity)

  By : , Thrissur, Kerala, India       26.9.2009         8 Comments          Mail Now

A stock market, or equity market, is a private or public market for the trading of company stock and derivatives of company stock at an agreed price The company stock/shares are listed on a stock exchanges like National Stock Excahnge (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). When you buy a share of a company you become a shareholder in that company. Shares are also known as Equities. The size of the world stock market is estimated at about $36.6 trillion US at the beginning of October 2008. The world derivatives market has been estimated at about $480 trillion face or nominal value, 12 times the size of the entire world economy.

Trading volumes in the equity segment have grown rapidly with average daily turnover increasing from Rs.17 crores during 1994-95 to Rs.14,148 crores during FY 2007-08. During the year 2007-08, NSE reported a turnover of Rs.35,51,038 crores in the equities segment.

Investing in equities are considered the most challenging and the rewarding, when compared to other investment options and have outperformed most other forms of investments in the long term. Equities have the potential to increase in value over time. Research studies have proved that investments in some shares with a longer tenure of investment have yielded far superior returns than any other investments. However, this does not mean all equity investments would guarantee similar high returns. Equities are high risk investments. One needs to study them carefully before investing.

When to start Investing?

The sooner one starts investing the better. By investing early you allow your investments more time to grow, by accumulating the principal and the interest or dividend earned on it, year after year. The three golden rules for all investors are:
• Invest early
• Invest regularly
• Invest for long term and not short term.

For Beginners in Stock Markets

A first time investor needs to understand that every investment carries certain degree of risk and the potential to earn is directly linked to the degree of risk taken For a long-term investor, it is essential to ensure that he earns positive real rate of returns i.e. rate of return minus inflation. Equities, as an asset class, have the potential to achieve this. No doubt, equity markets can be volatile over the short-term and that makes equity markets a risky proposition in the short-term.

What drives Stock Markets?

All macroeconomic and microeconomic events effect the equity price movement Some of which includes the policies adopted by the Indian government and decision of the RBI, commodity prices, inflation, employment reading, Foreign Institutional fund flow, Currency movement, corporate performance, political events etc.
Over 1500 foreign institutional investors (FIIs) have registered with market regulator SEBI as at the end of Calender year 2008.

Which are the factors that influence the price of a stock?

Broadly there are two factors: (1) stock specific and (2) market specific.

The stock-specific factor is related to people’s expectations about the company, its future earnings capacity, financial health and management, level of technology and marketing skills.

The market specific factor is influenced by the investor’s sentiment towards the stock market as a whole. This factor depends on the environment rather than the performance of any particular company. Events favourable to an economy, political or regulatory environment like high economic growth, friendly budget, stable government etc. can fuel euphoria in the investors, resulting in a boom in the market. On the other hand, unfavourable events like war, economic crisis, communal riots, minority government etc. depress the market irrespective of certain companies performing well. However, the effect of market-specific factor is generally short-term. Despite ups and downs, price of a stock in the long run gets stabilized based on the stockspecific factors. Therefore, a prudent advice to all investors is to analyse and invest and not speculate in shares.

What care should one take while investing?
Before making any investment, one must ensure to:

1. obtain written documents explaining the investment
2. read and understand such documents
3. verify the legitimacy of the investment
4. find out the costs and benefits associated with the investment
5. assess the risk-return profile of the investment
6. know the liquidity and safety aspects of the investment
7. ascertain if it is appropriate for your specific goals
8. compare these details with other investment opportunities available
9. examine if it fits in with other investments you are considering or you have already made
10. deal only through an authorised intermediary
11. seek all clarifications about the intermediary and the investment
12. explore the options available to you if something were to go wrong, and then, if satisfied, make the investment.

Who can Participate?

Participants in the stock market range from small individual to large hedge fund traders. Large institutions like pension funds, insurance companies, mutual funds, index funds, exchange traded funds, investor groups, banks and various other financial institutions also participate.

How to get started in the Stock Markets?

No individual or institution can deal directly with the exchange for buying and selling of shares. For investing in share markets, one need to have two accounts with a stock broker – (1) Demat Account, just like a bank account which holds shares in electronic mode instead cash and (2) Trading Account, for buying and selling shares.


Reply Posted On :
27 - 12 - 2012

good , briefed very well wth easy understanding of words , now i got a clear knowledge on stocks nd demate account. thank u

   naveen shankarolla, nizamabad
Reply Posted On :
29 - 6 - 2011

what is the 10,000 scheme for 3 years earning 30,0000?? e-mail

Reply Posted On :
14 - 9 - 2010


   nisarg, ahmedabad
Reply Posted On :
12 - 3 - 2010

what about sip paln ,systmatic invesment plan, and new paln who give return on highest nav of the 7 years with single premium.

   Senthil Raj Ravichandran, Chennai
Reply Posted On :
25 - 12 - 2009

Since im very new to share market the above information was very useful for me. I have blank idea about share market previously, But now i am clear about it. I will be investing in share market at earliest.

   Nalini VS, chittoor
Reply Posted On :
16 - 11 - 2009

Sir, i wish to open Demat Account inorder to access share market. Please provide me the necessary steps to follow before getting into the share market.

   neha .c, jhansi
Reply Posted On :
30 - 10 - 2009

dear sir, I want to start investing in shares.this will be my very first investment.kindly advise,how and with what securities must i proceed.

   Balaji, Avinashi, Tamil Nadu, India.
Reply Posted On :
20 - 10 - 2009

Dear Sir, My Father is retired govt servant past on 5 yrs from banglore region. and we have 6-year national savings certificate - 7 nos (Ruppes - 100 & 500), kindly advise how we can get the further action + benefits.


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