Sunday, January 19, 2025
Cities & Towns

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Pitamahal Dam

Pitamahal Dam is a popular picnic spot, situated on river Brahmani, near Balanda village of Kuarmunda Tahasil in Sundargarh District which is about 22 kms from Rourkela and 16 km from Vedvyas. The dam was constructed in 1978 across river Pitamahal, a stream of river Sankha which meet river Koel upstream of Panposh to form river Brahmani.

The total length of the dam which includes the spillway and the non-overflow section of the dam on both sides of spillway is 660.20 m. The overflow section i.e. spillway length is 45.72m. Length of masonry dam which includes non-overflow section and spillway is 115.83m. Earth dam length is 498.65m.

The maximum height of the dam is 25.96 m. The earth dam is a rolled fill-zoned embankment and the core is of impervious earth. There are two Head Regulators on both side of Main River. The left head regulator is located in the masonry dam and non-overflow section having circular vent of 0.11m diameter. The right head regulator is located in the main earth dam and the vent size is 1.22m diameter. The catchment area is 104 square KM. The Inflow design flood is 501.21 cubic meter/sec.

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